Position yourself in the remaining % by staying focused on one core message or objective. Design Adhere to your normal brand guidelines, since you want recipients to recognize your emails immediately. Make sure to keep the design as simple as possible, eliminating distracting elements and using visuals to guide the reader to CTA buttons. Footer Your footer should include your company's contact information and social media links, as well as an unsubscribe link. Failure to offer an opt out option could lead to more spam reports. Email volume Every company will have a different reader base and rhythm, so when starting a new campaign, it's best to roll out slowly to not oversaturate or annoy readers. After analyzing the first results opens, clicks, and conversions, you can optimize your email volume over time. . Conduct analysis and optimization Once your campaign has been launched, the work isn't over; afterwards, it's time toanalyze the resultsandoptimize future send outs. Reflect back on the KPIs you established at the very beginning and see how they align with the Open Rate and CTR you actually achieved.
If your Open Rate was lower than expected, doA B testing on different photo editing servies subject lines. As for the CTR, do A B testing on CTA buttons as well as content offers. Don't forget to generate a standardized Email Marketing report to follow the progress of your campaigns and help with decisions regarding future campaigns. How to implement Email Marketing in HubSpot Email Marketing is one of HubSpot's primary offerings in the Marketing Hub, and the tool is to easy to use that you'll be an expert in no time! In the sections below, you will discover how to create emails, edit templates, program automation, and access HubSpot's email metrics. How to create and send emails in HubSpot Let's go back to basics and learn how to create and send emails in HubSpot.
In your HubSpot account, navigate to the top menu and click on Marketing > Email email marketing menu In the upper right corner of the Email homepage, click the button "create email". A box will appear with different email types Normal sent to a specific list or segment of contacts , Automated automatically sent out according to the conditions of your workflows , and Blog RRSS sent when you publish new content on your blog or social platforms . hubspot email types Once you've chosen the type of email, it's time to select an email template.