In women for the same reason diseases of the reproductive system develop the menstrual cycle is disrupted and unpleasant painful sensations appear. We are giving a discount of 60% on courses from GeekBrains until March 10 In just 9 months you can get a job with an income of 150000 rubles Book a discount Slowly moving blood does not sufficiently saturate the body with oxygen and various nutrients and ultimately all internal organs suffer. “sedentary lifestyle”: physical inactivity. To treat this condition of the body there are special practices and techniques that can be found on the Internet in the public domain.
The danger of a sedentary lifestyle lies in the fact that the negative consequences do not appear immediately but only after a year or two. If you do not pay due attention to this problem the following consequences of physical inactivity will soon begin Benin WhatsApp Number to appear: weakening of muscles - atrophy; borderline depressive states or developed depression; osteoporosis (bone disorders); osteoarthritis (disorders of the joints); osteochondrosis (spinal disorders) and various curvatures; diseases of the cardiovascular system; obesity. How to diversify your sedentary lifestyle In order to reduce the risks of developing many diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle we offer: get rid of useless distracting applications on your smartphone; Limit the time spent on electronic devices during the day; take regular breaks; eat without distractions; do not use electronic devices in areas where you relax (for example in the bedroom); use electronic communication formats but do not forget about real interaction with people.
Only until 14.03 Download a selection of materials to be guaranteed to find a job in IT in 14 days List of documents: TOP 100 job search sites from GeekBrains 20 professions in 2023 with an income of 150000 rubles Checklist “How to successfully pass an interview” To receive the file enter your email: E-mail for example Confirm that you are not a robot by entering your phone number: Download the selection for freepdf 2.5mb Already downloaded 52300 I confirm my consent to the processing of personal data . To keep your children healthy follow these rules: the child should be limited in their use of gadgets during the day as well as during meals and before bed; communicate more with your child and offer active pastime; Offer your child activities that do not involve the use of electronic devices; be aware of what applications and programs your child spends his time in; Explore new technologies together with your child; use the so-called “parental control”: Kaspersky Safe Kids - this application reduces the likelihood of your child encountering inappropriate content and also regulates the amount of time your child spends using electronic devices.