We resolve to do more exercise, eat healthier, save money in the New Year, too. And we always have new resolutions in the work context - "This year I'm finally going to tackle digitalization." Sometimes we fulfill them, sometimes they're left for the next year. And then another year and another year goes by in which you haven't reorganized the files in the office or there's still that one room in the office that really needs to be tidied up - we all know that. And maybe "digital processes" was already on your plan for 2023 last year and you still haven't implemented it? 2024 could be your year! In this blog article, we'll give you 5 measures on how you can make processes in your company more digital.
Every year you decide to become more digital, to optimize your work processes and simply change a few structures in the company, and yet every year you end up with the question - How? Where do I start? Change is not an easy undertaking. Depending on the size of your company, changing certain processes can take quite a while.
But smaller companies also face challenges here: long-established processes, large age differences among staff, many different characters and simply too little time.
This article is intended to help you get an overview, step by step, of what you can do, how best to implement it and where you might need to be careful.
Status quo
Let's start with the status quo - how is your company currently functioning? Focus on which processes are currently working in your company and which can be improved. And maybe ask yourself the question: is there a process at all or are you just doing things somehow?
Sometimes we have worked so hard on analogue processes that we don't even realise that they are inefficient and costing us money. When it comes to the status quo, you can involve your team and see where you are at the moment and where you would like to go. What are the work packages that are currently getting on your nerves?
Then you can think about what the digitalization of your processes should look like.
Why digitization?
Digitize your company, otherwise you will have a hard Cell Phone Number Database time in the future - we have certainly all heard this sentence several times. But why should “digitization” be on my list of resolutions for the coming year? Why does it make me more competitive? Why does it make me more attractive?
A big aspect of digitalization is the automation of work processes. This way you can save a lot of time and let software do the work for you - and as we know, time is always money.
But digitalization also brings with it a completely different work structure - data can be accessed more easily, communication is faster and less problematic, and it enables work from anywhere.
We live in a digitalized world - cell phones have become an extension of our arms, we can hardly think without them. This is especially true for the younger generations, the people you may be hiring in your company right now or will be hiring soon. Digital tools are what they grew up with, an environment based on analogue processes is often foreign to them.
All of these advantages mean that you can work more effectively and efficiently. Your company will fare much better in the competitive market with optimized processes and motivated, competent staff.
These are just a few aspects that digitalization can bring with it. All in all, however, every effort you put into this change will be worth it.
strategies and measures
So what exactly can you change? Or what should you change? Of course, all of these measures depend on your status quo. Perhaps you already use digital tools in your company or have already digitized certain processes. Then this list might help you to go a step further, question other processes and become even more efficient in your work processes.
1. Improve digital infrastructure
Basically, the first step should be to look at the infrastructure within your company. You could switch to cloud-based tools to get a better overview of your data.
Small steps like your own and, above all, uniform communication platform for exchanging information within the company. A platform/app/website for communication within your team can make the exchange faster and more organized.