The more you work to create specific brand personas, the more your consumers will be able to associate your company with those personas—themselves.
Like a strong brand positioning, a strong brand perception can help your business be more successful. It’s about more than finding the right keywords or satisfying user intent.
If you associate your brand with positive traits that france email list your target market appreciates, your target customers are more likely to purchase from you, increasing sales and profits.
Whenever your customers are faced with a choice between your company and another, they make mental notes about what they know about each company. Consciously or unconsciously, each person makes a decision about which company to buy from based on these mental notes.
To position yourself in the market, you need to understand who you are addressing. Who are the ideal customers of your business and why?
Once you’ve taken the time to define your buyer persona , you need to think about the values that that audience cares about. What qualities do they look for in a company? How can you show them that you have those qualities?
By appealing to the core beliefs and values of your target market, you can get closer to the target your company is trying to reach.
For example, Nike sends a very clear message in all forms of communication: by choosing Nike, you support the strength and empowerment of all people.
2. Establish your brand essence
To define the essence of your brand you need to answer the following questions:
What does your brand evoke in people? What is the first thing they think of when it comes to your brand? Think about it. Think about how you want people to perceive your company.
How and under what circumstances do people turn to your brand?
How could your brand benefit the life/work process of your target segment? What exactly will change?
Once you have the answers to these questions, you will be able to determine why people choose your brand and product based on their value system.
This is known as your “brand essence.” These are the thoughts, feelings, and emotions people experience when they think about your company.